Friday, June 24, 2011

Dental professionals, what would you do in this circumstance?

Uncomfortable situation involving two dentists: Dentist A is a specialist in craniofacial/TMD. He is well-known in his field, and has helped me in the past with my TMJD. Dentist B is the president of my state's dental board, and is also a well-respected expert in his given field. Dentist B, the pres. of the dental board indicates to me that Dentist A didn't do a very good job with my bite splint and that he would like me to see Dentist C. I told Dentist B that Dentist A had already indicated he would construct a new bite-splint if necessary. Then Dentist B said, that to be honest, he recommended I not see Dentist A at all. When I inquired as to why, he said he wasn't at liberty to say, but, the reason was professional in nature. Yikes! Alrighty then... if the pres. of the dental board is saying that, he must have good reason. Not a problem really, all I want is good care. Here is my dilemma: I have prepaid for six months of service with Dentist A, which is currently about 70% complete. Can or should I expect a refund of the remaining balance on the unrendered services (about $900)? If you think it is reasonable to expect a refund, how would you go about it? Do I flat out tell Dentist A that Dentist B prefer I not see him? Make up some lie, like I am moving, or what? I have a lot of dental anxiety to begin with, so this is really chewing me up (no pun intended). I keep having flash-forwards where I have to give testimony in a lawsuit and end up with no dentists. My insurance doesn't cover TMJ so the money is a real issue for me. I would like to be able to recover if I am now to pay Dentist C. I appreciate any advice you can give.
hmm well i would say the only thing that matters if what you feel comfortable with. if dentist A has helped you and you trust that dentist and feel comfortable being treated by that dentist then i would say stay with him. just because one dentist tells you not to go see him, and doesnt give an explanation then i wouldnt rely on what he said even if he is the the president of the dental board. but thats just my opinion. you are the patient and you need to feel comfortable with what is being done to you!

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