Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How long does it take to get a crown?

I busted my tooth about six months ago, and had a permanent filling put in, but my dentist said I would need a crown within the year. I was going to get it done around that time, but my insurance ran out, so I had to wait until July. My appointment is next Tuesday. What will happen then and will I be able to do things later in the day(app at 10am)? I do recover from dental procedures very easily and have no pain after fillings or an extraction.
They are going to take an impression, remove the filling, reshape the tooth (shave it into a nub) then they will take another impression, they will send that impression to a dental lab where a crown will be fabricated. It takes 2-3 weeks to get a crown back from the lab. But until then they will make you a temporary acyrlic crown right there in the office to wear until the perminant one comes in. You can go back to doing what ever you were gonna do that day as soon as the anestheic wears off (about an hour or so)

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