Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Question about Dental - Tooth Extraction?

I have two wisdom teeth that have rather large cavities in them. I'd say half of the tooth on each one is close to gone. I know I need to get these removed, but I need to either wait a year to get dental through my company, or get Badger Health Care and be put on a 6 month waiting list to have the teeth removed. One of the teeth is starting to give me headaches. I have started to stick to only non-sugary drinks and only soft foods, like noodles. I need to get these teeth pulled NOW. Do I have to have insurance or will a dentist allow me to set up a payment plan? Does anyone know in what ball park how much this might cost? Both of them are fairly well gone, and one of them is only half sticking out. I was told I might need dental surgery from a friend, and I want to be put under for something like this. Having my last normal tooth removed while I was awake was not a fun time.
First, sorry about your trouble. Dental pain is the worst! As far as having to put under for the 2 teth to be extracted, that just depends. Most people are sedated for wisdom teeth extraction but many can tolerate it with just laughing gas (nitrous oxide) & local anesthesia (shot on the gums to numb it) alone. Usually if the teeth are erupted & will be fairly easy to extract you could probably do with out being sedated. But if you already have a history of unpleasant / bad experience with pulling teeth it might be worth it to have a mild sedative prescribed. Maybe just a Valium like pill. One where you're still conscious but won't remeber a thing :) Now, to the real question- what should you do? Answer: you HAVE to have them pulled ASAP! you'll have to find a way because if left untreated, it could cause way bigger problems that end up costing triple what the extractions will cost. If they get infected, which eventually they will. Then they could get abscesses & lead to problems SO much worse!! Look into your community I'll bet you have a cimmuntiy health denta clinic that will do most treatment free or based on your income. Good luck to you!!

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