Monday, August 1, 2011

Bad breath makes me paranoid....?

Probably about 5-6 months ago I notice that my mouth tends to dry up and my mouth starts to taste pretty nasty. I know my breath has to smell as bad as it tastes even though no one ever says anything, lol. I brush my teeth and try to brush my tounge but I have VERY strong gag reflexes on my tounge which makes it almost impossible to brush it! Even when I first wake up, I brush my teeth right away and about 10 mins later my tounge is completely dry and my mouth tastes bad. Mouthwash has the same affect. I do not have medical or dental insurance and have not been to a dentist in over a year which I know is bad but I just can not afford the insurance right now and I need to know something that I can do to fix this problem. My teeth do not hurt or anything like that so I do not think I have any cavities. I have had the same oral hygiene methods for as long as I can remember but only recently have I had bad breath problems. What works??
First. Do you have a lot of anxiety? If so, calm down and relax. Being anxious will only make this problem worse and doesn't help in your everyday life. . Second. Do you snore? That would make your mouth dryer. Third. Do you drink plenty of fluids? Keep hydrated. Fourth. What kinds of foods do you eat? Stay away from a lot of sugar, coffee, garlic and onions. Fifth. Has a friend told you that you have foul-smelling breath? If so, it can possibly be gingivitis, or it can be a smell radiating out from your stomach. An antibiotic will help the latter. Sixth. Buy a tongue scraper. It can get the deeper areas of the tongue that hold bacteria. Seventh.Save up some money so you can get professional help if it doesn't go away. You will be happier for it!

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