Monday, August 1, 2011

My employer covers how much after I pay my coverage?

I just recently got laid off and they said it was for the slowing economy. In my opinion, there are others that should have been laid off before me, like the sales person who doesn't sell and continues to make excuses. Anyhow- I worked for this company for 9 months. For 6 months, I did had medical insurance and also dental insurance coverage through this company, both through different providers. I ended up seeing the doctor at least 1x - 2x a month for a slew of different reasons that led from thing to another which could have led to surgery. Unfortunately, I no longer have my job, so I don't have insurance coverage. I'm not too familiar with how medical/dental insurance works and how much, if any amount- does the company I work for pay for these benefits. Are they required to pay for any of my medical visits, exams, tests etc. For example.... A normal office visit is $95 without insurance, my co-pay was $10. Who/what makes up the $85 difference owed to the doctor's office? Could the company I worked for make up an excuse of a "slowing economy" to avoid paying for a future procedure and additional tests if they knew they had to pay for them? Could I have been wrongfully let go from my job?
There is no way for us to know if you were wrongully terminated since we do not know the details/circumstances. About the medical insurance: A company pays an insurance company to cover its employees. The actual costs of medical visits and/or procedures do not come directly from the company themselves. Its the insurance company that pays them. The company usually pays a set amount for medical benes for each employee. So although its unlikely that you were let go because of your recent abundance of medical claims, they could very well have let you go because of 'the economy'. Just because YOU feel that other employees deserved to be let go before you holds no water. As for medical insurance now, I suggest you look into the COBRA plan. You do have to pay for it and it doesnt last forever, but its usually cheaper than buying med insurance on your own. Good luck.

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