Monday, August 1, 2011

Death from a toothache?

So I'm sitting , reading my facebook page last night and a chat screen comes up.. "Did you here about Rachael... she died.?" I sat there for a minute thinking who's Rachael? The sender was my daughter. The Chat Screen pops up again and it says.. "First LaRae and now Rachael" Oh my god, Rachael is LaRaes Daughter... LaRae died a few years ago from and infection or something. This morning I read an email from my daughter... Rachael died from an abscessed tooth. Apparently she had no insurance and the infection went to her heart. It makes me sit here and think haw in this country does a beautiful young woman die at 25 of something like and abscessed tooth... that's nuts... I also remember when I was reading about health care offered by other countries and that they covered basic dental like tooth infections or abstractions. This is why I was fighting for comprehensive health care for all, because there are people out there that die of things like tooth aches because they have no insurance. Many of us have health insurance and in most cases its lousy insurance, but we have no dental insurance for the basics. Should our health insurance cover basics such as infections and extractions?
There should be no need for health insurance. The whole insurance system is not of benefit of the users, it is only a way of milking money from the populace. Here in Norway, health care is financed by taxes, and only small sums are paid for most consultations, and only up to a certain total. If you go above a certain amount, you get free health care for the rest of the year. Dental care is not covered by this system, but a patient with a life threatening infection would never be turned away. An accommodation would be found after the necessary surgery was done. From over here, the US system looks criminal, and it is difficult to understand how such a system is accepted. But then Joseph McCarthy probably has to take a lot of the blame for causing mass hysteria around anything that fit his catch-all definition of socialism. For the record : Having a government that that provides needed services in return for taxation does not make the state socialist.

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