Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can someone explain this dental insurance statement for me?

I don't really know what the actual paper's called, but it's kinda like a statement. Here's what it says: Your doctor is billing a total of $3,500.00 for a 30 month treatment plan. The United Concordia allowance is $3,500.00. Deducted from this allowance are: Prior Treatment Costs: $625.00 Coinsurance/Patient Liability: $1,050.00 Amount Exceeding Dental Contract Maximum: $1,200.00 Total Available Prgram Benefits: $625.00 Total Remaining Program Benefits: $625.00 Over the course of treatment 0 quarterly payments of $0.00, and a final payment of $625.00 will be issued. TDP orthodontic quarterly payments are automated; therefore, it is not necessary to submit claims for subsequent quarterly payments. Can someone please explain this to me? Does the insurance cover the entire treatment, or do I still have to pay the rest of the treatment? Thanks
To boil this all down the insurance company has paid $625 and will pay another $625 at the end of the treatment. You are responsible for the rest. The total orthodontic benefit is $1200 and you are responsible for the rest. This is pretty standard for dental insurance which I have found to be not worth the money unless the employer pays a big chunk of the cost.

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