Thursday, December 30, 2010

Finding help for gum disease/dental problems on a college student's budget? (Or insurance options)?

Growing up, my family never had dental or health insurance. My mother took me to the dentist when I was two or so for a check up, but after that I wasn't able to go again until the sixth grade when I had a cavity the size of a crater in one of my back teeth. It had been hurting my ear more than my mouth, so we thought it had been an ear infection. I ended up getting a root canal and practically rebuilding the tooth, as well as two other small fillings. I didn't feel thing! I was lucky my grandmother was still alive then to foot the bill. I went again at the end of my senior year in high school for a cleaning, filling two cavities, and seeing what could be done about my wonky back (wisdom?) teeth and TMD. (As an aside: I was punched in the jaw accidentally when I was younger, and the doctor told us to see a dentist. The sixth grade dentist told us we'd have to see a doctor about it. The next doctor told us to see a dentist. The senior year dentist said to see a doctor. Can anyone give me some advice on this matter while you're here?) Long story long, I haven't seen a dentist since then. I had a really bad vitamin B12 deficiency last year that no one could figure out, and despite flossing and brushing to an almost obsessive extent and trying to maintain good oral health, my gums kept recessing. I've always had a tooth on my bottom row that was pushed forward when those (still) wonky back teeth grew in. That's where it's the worst. I've been begging my mother to send me to a dentist since then. I even asked for a dentist appointment for Christmas. I'm currently attending school at Western Washington University and have no real income. I do get a refunded check from my financial aid every quarter, but it's all I get for three or so months, and I by the time my books are bought I hardly have enough for groceries. My mother wants to help out, but she's in worse shape than I am. Basically, I need a lot of dental work down, possibly some orthodontics, too, and I need to find a place that will give good service for a low price. Also, any information on dental insurance plans that would be good for my situation is appreciated. I've looked around, but I'm really hopeless when it comes to all of this. I have no idea what I'm doing. If you happen to live in Bellingham and have a good, kind dentist (or if you happen to be one), I'd be thrilled if you'd provide the contact information. Even if the services are not cheap, I'd still like to discuss possible payment methods with a reputable dentist. (I'd really prefer a dentist that is highly skilled. As much as I'm desperate right now, the really cheap dentists that do quick fixes or, worse, end up progressng the problems I already have are something I'd rather avoid.) If you don't live in the area, but you know of some good insurance companies that take pity on currently unemployed, poor college gals, that's great, too! To be honest, I'm actually really embarassed by the state of my teeth. I'd really like it if anyone who answers refrained from ridiculing me or telling me I brought in upon myself or something like that... Believe me when I tell you I would have gone sooner if I had the chance. Thank you, and sorry the details of this question have gone for so long!!
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

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