Monday, December 27, 2010

I am 35 looking for just Dental Insurance in OK; no major problems but starting need a TON OF HELP DECIDING?

I am 35 looking for just Dental Insurance in OK; no major problems but starting need a TON OF HELP DECIDING? I have had Blue Cross Blue Shield and the one dentest I went to it seemed like it never covered anything; he is really tight on it I have always had good teeth; just last year when I was 34 I got some cavities; now my teeth are not as good; now I have one of the Supersonice and I am doing all of that; but I need to get back on my dental insurance; I think I am going to switch dentiists because he is so far away and so expensive; i know there are waiting periods before they cover certain things and my teeth will be fine for a year; but I need to know what dental insurance covers the most and has the least amount of exclusions; It just looks like I might have some cavities later on; I know more dental insurance covers 2 cleanings a visit; I dont want to spend a crazy amount I know dental insurance is not the higly priced; if I can get any advice I would really appreciate it; I just dont know which insurance carries to go thru for my teeth and I know I dont want to be paying any more huge amounts again; thanks any help would be appreciated!!
I've never actually seen a private dental insurance policy that pays out more than it costs - they have deductibles, coverage limits, and waiting periods, because pretty much only the people who buy it, want to file claims. You can buy a "plan" that isn't insurance, and won't actually PAY anything, and kind of promises you a discount - but you can also negotiate that discount yourself, with your dentist. Your BEST bet for cheap dental work, is finding a local dental school

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