Friday, February 25, 2011

Does the self whitening kits for your teeth work?

I have no dental insurance, not a smoker, but do love coca-cola. I have had some dental work done when I was young and have damage to my jaw-line but would love to have a whiter smile any suggestions on what could improve my smile.
The problem with the self whitening kits is the mouth trays. They aren't custom molded to your teeth so you have a chance that the bleach will not be on some spots or all your teeth. The bleach you buy on amazon or ebay generally doesn't have the same strength as professional bleach does. You can however buy the syringes on the internet that do offer the same bleach amount and sometimes you can buy exactly what the dentist would sell you. The white strips are very popular and I have heard they work also. They won't give you the results a professional would give you. If you do end up going to the dentist for bleaching you can get the trays and bleach for about $250.00 so not too expensive.

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