Friday, February 25, 2011

My dentist said because I'm poor I have to have the toxic type of dental fillings?

He said since I have the type of insurance that disabled people have that my insurance only allowed 50% mercury fillings and I couldn't get the non-mercury ones. After pleading with him and arguing with his mean dental assistant lady for awhile he finally gave in and gave me the non-mercury one anyway, which was really nice. But it made me feel like I was living in the middle ages caste system and I was one of the peasants.
humm.... this doesnt make any sense. but... the only thing i can figure is that your insurance said that they would only pay for amalgam (silver) fillings and not cover the "white" ones. the doctor has to go by the insurance since that is who is paying him. they dictate to him what his prices are and if you arent covered by it and want it then you are paying full price for it. that is nice of your dentist, EXTREMELY nice since he just paid for your filling! it sucks but that is insurance for you. try looking into another one or going to a dental school to get your work done. its not really your dentist saying that but the insurance saying that.

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