Part of the roof of my mouth is swollen, raw, and painful. On top of that, my gums bleed when I brush my teeth (and sometimes they just bleed during the day.) Problem is, I don't have any insurance until the middle of June. I know that wasn't phrased as a question, but I'd love any advice or comments you guys might have.
When you don't have money to get the care you need, here are some free resources for you, read through them, and pick up the phone, and get your needed help.………… Free and low cost prescription medication:……… Financial Assistance and Other Resources for People With Cancer:Cancer imposes heavy economic burdens on both patients and their families. For many people, a portion of medical expenses is paid by their health insurance plan. For individuals who do not have health insurance or who need financial assistance to cover health care costs, resources are available, including Government-sponsored programs and services supported by nonprofit organizations. Cancer patients and their families should discuss any concerns they may have about health care costs with their physician, medical social worker, or the business office of their hospital or clinic. This is about FREE hospitalization, if you need it and they WILL help you!… Hill Burton Hotline 1-800-638-0742 (1-800-492-0359 in Maryland) In 1946, Congress passed a law that gave hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities grants and loans for construction and modernization. In return, they agreed to provide a reasonable volume of services to persons unable to pay and to make their services available to all persons residing in the facility's area. The program stopped providing funds in 1997, but about 300 health care facilities nationwide are still obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care. Medicaid is for people under 65, medicare is for the seniors. How to apply for Medicaid or medicare…… For information about Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits, call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. For information about Medicaid, contact your local social service or welfare office. You can also find information about Medicare and Medicaid at How To Pay for Mental Health Services…… Additional Public Benefits for Families Raising Children:… DENTAL HELP: Free or low cost dental care United States…… FREE AND LOW COST DENTAL HELP FOR DENTURES , BROKEN TEETH , PAIN , ETC.… Need eyeglasses or eye care?…… Free Mammogram: How to Get a Free or Low Cost Pap Smear, The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides free or low cost Pap smears to eligible women across the country. Through this program, uninsured and impoverished women can receive Pap smears at local clinics and doctor's offices. Here's a list for every state:… Where can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care? You can call this number if you need free birth control help, too! Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy. To find out about the program in your state: · Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code · For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081 · Call or contact your local Health Department.
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