Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to get Insurance?

I have two children in my previous marriage. They are both US Citizens and in NEED of medical attention (nothing serious). Their father is a deadbeat and shows no interest of supporting my children. My current spouse is willing to add them both on his insurance but his insurance will not accept them due to the fact that they are not his children and not adopted. How can I get insurance for both? I applied for the DHSS (WA) also declined. I am a stay at home mom so there is no way i can get one for them. I need to get a doctor to check on them, especially my son who has a little rash on his penis and need serious dental attention. Please help. I am going nuts already from trying to get support from their father...
If your family income is less than 200% of the federal poverty level (fpl), they qualify for medicaid. They would be covered under schip (requires a monthly co-premium) up to 250% of the FPL. I assume you are already using DSHS Support Enforcement to collect on the child support? I see at least three options: a) Reapply to DSHS if your income meets the requirements (<250% of fpl); b) Have your husband adopt the children; c) Purchase a policy for the children or pay out of pocket for the vist. And the rash probably deserves a visit asap.

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