Sunday, July 10, 2011

Is it wrong to say that my family is not interested in paying for your health Insurance?

Both myself and wife work 50-60 hrs a week, we have 1 child in private school...yet we pay for others in public schools and we have no problem doing that. We both put ourselves through college and both have successful careers. We have never broken crimes, we own our own comfortable house that was purchased by our blood sweat & tears and have sacrificed more than I could list here and it's worth around 730K and we owe about 82K on it. We have one child that goes to college in one year. We have planned for this and will pay for her schooling 100% with plenty to spare. We are not rich, we are middle class. I hate that President Obama will be asking me to help pay for others who have not earned health care. We pay about $620 per Month for health care & dental care. Yes it is very expensive...anything worth wild is but don't ask my family to give to others who sit on their azz's...who didn't plan, who had children out of wed-lock, who made bad choices in life that has caused them to be losers in life. I am NOT interested in subsidizing bad behavior. Is it wrong for us who pay around 89k a year in federal taxes, $8,900 in property taxes, 22K in State taxes, $6,300 per year in city taxes, 2.3% in sales tax and numerous other TAXES to pay AGAIN for someone else's health Insurance? It doesn't take an ENTIRE village to raise a takes ONLY two loving, caring parents who are dedicated to THEIR child
Thumbs UP!

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