Saturday, July 9, 2011

just got out of college and unemployed. need short-term temporary insurance?

I just graduated from college and have been unemployed for a while :"( I'm looking for short-term insurance. Would someone compare the following plans and explain which one and why it's the best? THANKS SO MUCH! 1. Blue Vital Shield 2900 $63/mo Deductible $2900 Out of pocket maximum $5900 Office visit $40 for first 2 visits per member per year, then $0 after out of pocket maximum Preventive care exams Included in office visits Mammogram & GYN Screenings 40% Hospitalization 40% after deductible Lab & x-ray $0 after out of pocket maximum Emergency room $100 per visit + 40% after deductible Generic prescriptions Generic only Dental & Life Available 2. UnitedHealth PacifiCare Personal Benefit (HDHP)SM $68.00/mo Deductible $5000 Coinsurance 100% Room & Board, Intensive Care Unit, Operating Room, Professional Fees of Doctors, Surgeons, Nurses, Surgeon, Assistant Surgeon, and Facility Fees, Hemodialysis, Radiation, Chemotherapy, Cat Scans, MRIs, Mammography, Pap, PSA Tests, Doctor office visit -- Deductible then Coinsurance 3. HealthNet $46/mo Coinsurance 40% Annual Deductible $4,500 Office Visit for Primary Doctor/Specialist 40% Coinsurance after deductible Prescription Drugs Generic $20 Copay Annual Out-of-Pocket Limit $4,500 Does not include deductible Preventive Care Coverage Periodic Health Exam Not Covered Prescription Drug Coverage Emergency Room $100 Copay (waived if admitted) Plus 40% Coinsurance after deductible Outpatient Lab/X-Ray/Surgery; Hospitalization 40% Coinsurance after deductible
If you are looking for short term i work at state farmand it has a pretty good rate i can do a quote for you if you'd like

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