Friday, July 29, 2011

What can I do about my teeth?

So my wisdom teeth are starting to grow in and the pain is ten times more excruciating than I thought it would ever be. I haven't been able to eat anything solid for two days now and I almost want to cry. Obviously I need to go to a dental clinic, but I'm currently unemployed and I don't have the insurance to cover the work I need done. Help, please?
Until you can get some funds to see the dentist (and you need to work on getting there ASAP because you can get infections, abscesses, etc), try taking ibuprofen (Motrin works wonders) for the pain. I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth at once and they grew in impacted (touching other molars, pushing teeth together, did quite a bit of damage). That may be a big reason why you're experiencing the pain. Wisdom teeth come so late in age and at a time when your mouth is, basically, out of room. So they force themselves in there. It is CRITICAL that you get to a dentist. Perhaps you should check your local listings for a free dental clinic or places that make provision for people with no insurance and little or no funds. But get some ibuprofen for the pain and try to endure. EAT. Soft foods...applesauce, cheese, cream of wheat, oatmeal, peas. And stay away from straws. Hope this helps...

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