Friday, July 8, 2011

Why are my teeth breaking? and why are they black inside?

This afternoon I was eating a lifesaver and & I bit it and my tooth broke in half. It's on the right side behind my eye tooth. I mean like a huge chunk (like most of the tooth)just broke off and the piece that's left is black. Why's this happening? My 2 front teeth did the same thing in November. I haven't been to a dentist in a long time but I thought I was doin ok takin care of my teeth. Maybe not? So what now? I'm 14 and we don't have dental insurance.
Wander, wonder is right. Go to the public health clinic, they have programs that help children. Toothaches are not normal!!! It means there is something wrong. I am assuming it was your parents that told you toothaches are normal. They are ignorant. The fact that your mouth is a mess indicates that you are abused. Yes, NEGLECTING your child's needs is a form of child abuse!!! It is a situation that DISGUSTS all oral health professionals and there is no excuse for it. It doesn't necessarily happen to just poor families, wealthy parents can be guilty of neglecting their child's oral needs too. In my area, you can get free dental work funded by the public health unit if you are a child. Here is a link...…

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