Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wisdom teeth questions?

Can anyone tell me, Do your wisdom teeth have to be all the way in before they can be removed? My top ones are almost all the way in, but my bottoms are just barely breaking through the gum tissue, But they HURT SO BAD!!! Also does anyone know about how much it would cost to remove them? I do not have dental insurance. Thanks for the help!
When wisdom teeth do not break out of the gums, they are called "impacted". My son has 3 impacted ones. The oral surgeon said they usually aren't supposed to hurt unless they are getting infected or...well, the area around the tooth can create a bigger "hole" and this can cause serious problems. The "hole" can get bigger in the gums but then it progresses where there is a "cavern" starting in the bone down lower, carving out an empty indentation in the bone. This progresses slowly, but can cause real problems. Also there's a very sensitive nerve that runs where the roots of the teeth are growing in, and if you let the roots grow all the way and the teeth aren't moving up, then the roots will hit/grow through the nerve. So yes they need to probably come out. It is expensive though. My son's 3 teeth are costing us $800 and that's with insurance picking up almost half the bill. Is there a dental school near you? That's where I would take my son for years while he was younger to get all the work done. Did a good job, and ALOT less expensive. Or maybe a dental clinic that goes on income? Check it out. Hope all works out. Will send you healing thoughts.... Is there

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