Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wisdom tooth coming in?

I'm pretty sure that my wisdom tooth is coming in, but just one. I feel it with my tongue, and I think half of it is out but the other half feels almost half stuck under the gumb. Is it supposed to hurt? It hurts a little, sort of like a teething pain. I don't have dental insurance...what should I do?
It most likely is your wisdoms. Yes, they will hurt, but it varies person to person how much, depending on whether or not the tooth is impacted.(Growing in sideways) Some people have enough space in their mouths for their wisdoms, and they go through some pain as the tooth comes in but are otherwise fine. But if your mouth is crowded and you don't think there will be room....get yourself dental insurance. There's no huge rush. My wisdom teeth were "coming in" for like 8 years...but don't wait too long. Waiting too long can make your teeth shift or damage nerves in your mouth. My advice would be to see a doctor and get x-rays so he can tell you if you'll have enough room for them or not. Note: All dentists will tell you that your wisdoms HAVE to come out. That's not true- they just like making money like everybody else. Make sure to specifically ask the dentist if you have enough room or not. Ask to see the x-ray if he doesn't show you.

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