Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Advice on what to do with a hole in my molar?

Ok, so several months ago my old filling from my first molar broke off leaving me with a pretty good sized hole in it. My dentist said i needed to get a root canal or either get it extracted. With the dental insurance i had it was free for an extraction and about $1000 for a root canal. I was wanting to keep my tooth as im only 20 yrs old but didn't have the money for the root canal, unfortunately shortly after i lost my dental insurance. I still have the hole in my molar which causes me spontaneous moderate to severe pain. I can't get to the dentist for lack of money and insurance. Any advice on what to do would be good, i mean if i am able to get back onto my insurance should i just go ahead and have it extracted? With the pain, I've gotten the point where im seriously considering it and i don't want it getting worse or causing serious health problems. Also is it safe to buy and use an over the counter temporary filling after the hole has been exposed for months now, i don't want to lock any bacteria in or anything, or would the temp. filling even help at this point
The over the counter filling could help with temporary comfort until you decide what you want to do with your molar. It will not seal in bacteria, but if you are not careful when you put it in, it could provide a place for food to get stuck in, which could make the problem worse. You know you have to get something done, if you can't afford the root canal, you need to get it extracted as soon as you can. You run the risk of the abscess spreading to other major organs in your body such as your brain. It also weakens your immune system, and the bacteria could start eating away at your jaw bone or neighboring teeth if you leave it untreated.

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