Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How can I convince my dad I need to worry about braces sooner rather then later...?

I am 17 years old and I really need braces. We have both dental and ortho. insurance. Now I realize that even with that braces are going to be very expsensive but we are lucky enough to have the insurance but what good does it do if we are not putting it to use? I also know that I am only on my parents dental insurance until I am 18 or 19 and I am pretty sure it covers treatment only if it is started before that. So that does not give us a lot of time to think about it. I at least want to go to a consoltation (arn't they usually free) with an orthodontist so that way we could at least have an idea of what kind of treatment and the cost we are looking at. Everything I have read online about cutting cost on braces says to start by going to the dentist/orthodontist and talking to them about your money problems and seeing what they can do about it. Now when I get a job I could help my parents pay for some of my braces but also think that I am going to have to pay for college, a car, gas for my car... Now eveyrtime I suggest it to my dad he just shruggs it off, like we have all of the time in the world to worry about it. Truth is we should have started worrying about it 10 or more years ago. The other day I said we should go to the regular densit for a cleaning (which is 100% covered by insurance) and he was like "why do you want to have your teeth picked at" "We can go get a cleaning after school is out" THATS 6 MONTHS AWAY. Thanks!!
I know exactly how you feel i had over crowding and my teeth were pushing my top teeth out they looked like vampire fangs and the bottom was crooked. I was supposed to get braces when i was 13 but my parents always said it was too much. We went for a consultation and they thought it was doable because my dad knew the ortho. But she got sick and actually quit after i got my molding and xrays done. I was 18 when i went to the dentist that ive been seeing since i was 9 years old and he always ALWAYS brings up when am i getting braces i tell him its hard financially for my parents to afford them and he wants me to get them really bad cause its bad for the health of my other teeth if they are hiding behind one another and im more suceptible to root canals and cavities. Im not saying my teeth were hideous like a shark but there were 2 problem areas that always bugged me. It was on that list of "if u can change something about ur self what would it b" and finally the last straw broke when i went for my last cleaning and my dentist said "ur 18 now and in the professional world appearances will make a difference for u to get certain jobs and it will affect peoples opinions about u" what an *** i havent gone back to him since i probably will after i get my braces off tho) =) but now i have braces for about 9 months now and even though i need them 4 2 years and i want them off so bad it will b totally worth it. I say tell ur dad its something u need for ur dental health and keep bringing it up. Hope u get them <3

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