Thursday, August 25, 2011

Anybody know if the horror stories about Cosmetic Dentistry are true? And how much does it cost?

My two front teeth are both crowned and they were done horribly wrong, way too big and unnatural looking. I need to know if I go and get veneers, 1. Are the crowned teeth going to work with veneers? 2. If not, how natural would new crowns look with veneers on the 2 or 4 teeth surrounding them? 3. Will my dental insurance cover any of this(I'm hoping at least fixing the 2 crowns, since one had to have a root canal because of how poorly they were placed) 4. How much will this cost? I live in New York City. I could find 10 dentist tomorrow who would charge me 20 grand I'm sure, but I'm looking for an average. Please Help!
How long ago did you get the crowns? I would never live with bad crowns, and I would go back to the dentist and have them do them over for FREE. After all they are your front teeth and everybody can see them. A proper crown wont show and should look normal. Why pay for veneers when your real teeth can be fixed? If the crowns are more than 5 years old your insurance will cover an amount, how much depends on your insurance plan.

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