Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Anyone know of a "Pro-Bono Dentist" for someone with BAD teeth?

I am a single mother of 2 children that is stuck on government insurance (which doesnt cover dental care) as I am putting myself through school & don't have any insurance & when I did they don't cover "pre-existing conditions." My teeth are so bad that I cant even sleep at night...I barely eat because it hurts too bad!!! Im barely scraping by & am in EXCRUCIATING pain with my teeth day after day. I had a consult done & they said that I have about $10K or more in damage! I have never done hard drugs in my life & i take good care of my teeth but they are so bad anyway...I don't know what to do but I am so tired of suffering in excruciating pain every day!!! PLEASE HELP!!!
Holli, I am going through just about the same thing. I am on disability, and of course have medicaid. In my experience, it mainly depends on where you live. When I lived in Rochester, NY, I had great care because the U of R is a teaching hospital. They have a wonderful dental clinic, (Eastman), I loved it. Even if you have no insurance they work with you at extremely low costs, depending on income. If you live anywhere near a University that has a dental program it should be about the same. I live in Florida now, and I got a letter saying that medicaid will pay for partials now, only 1 problem, no dentist in the County takes med patients. Of course the county health dept will see you, but all they will do is pull. After my front 2 teeth busted of to a nub, I no longer had a choice. I am 52 and decided it is time to stop the pain and begin smiling again. So dentures are looking pretty good to me now. There is one dentist, and one only that does the extractions, and fits yo with dentures, the cost is $39 with medicaid. I must admit it scares me to death, but not nearly as much as when I look in the mirror. If you have all that work to be done, you just might want to "bite the bullet" like me and get dentures. But be sure you call your provider and ask them which, if any takes your ins, and check on nearby dental schools. I just know I am going to look so much better, not to mention "Feel" good for a change. Sinus kills me, headaches, the works, It is time for me, now all you have to do is see if you any options, if not do yourself a favor and get those unhealthy teeth out of your head.I know the pain, it's horrible. Needless to say I always swore I would never get dentures, I am really looking forward to them.now. I wish you the best of luck, Peace JANA

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