Sunday, August 7, 2011

How do I got about getting a refund from my dentist?

I hadn't gone to a dentist in 8 years, but I got dental insurance from hubbies work, and decided to go. Also I was feeling some pressure from what I assumed was a cavity in a molar. The dentist I went to was terrible. A true horror story. I was there until 3am the first day getting 5 tiny cavities filled, one large molar cavity, and one crown sized. This is only about 1/3 of the work he said I needed done, and when I consented to this he only said "what about the rest of it"? He was terrible, unprofessional, just overall horrible. I went 2 weeks later to get the crown put in. What else could I do but go? I had already paid $1000 out of pocket and insurance had paid another $1500. Putting the crown on took 4 hours, and at one point he had to remove it after it was cemented. After they tried to just sandpaper it down, but sawing back and forth between 2 teeth. I switched my insurance to a "real" dentist, who said I need a new crown, since the one I have will lead to serious gum problems which will result in tooth loss, and 3 of the fillings I had done have fallen out resulting in exposed dentin. I need a crown over one the premolars now because of the way he filled it. I am in constant pain. The work was done 2 months ago and I need the money back from the first dentist to pay the second dentist to fix the problems. The teeth he worked on are no longer insured, since according to the insurance company they are now fixed and won't need anything more done for 5 years. My new dentist feels I need to at least get the money back for the crown the other dentist did, because the fit is so bad. It really is terrible, and it hurts all the time. Food gets stuck under the crown, and between the teeth, and it is really hard to get out. So do I get a lawyer to send the old dentist a letter, stop by his office, or call him on the phone to get my money back? Do I ask him to give me the money paid by the insurance company or ask him to refund that money to them? How do I got about asking for my money back? My old dentist is like a used car salesman. I cannot trust him to be professional at all. I didn't know this when I first went to see him of course. I assumed he would be a diamond in the rough or something. I never thought dentists could be this bad.
Tell him your brother has a big crowbar and is crazy and wants to come see him. He will pay up fast if he knows what is best.

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