Sunday, August 28, 2011

(my) left canine on the top is still a baby...?

i am sixteen years old. i have most of my very back teeth, too, no wisdom teeth, and my top left canine has never came out. it looks SO small in comparison. no dental insurance, otherwise i'd go to the dentist to see wtf was going on up there, but i was just wondering if there might be anything wrong with it? like is there a possibilty that there just... is not an adult tooth to push it out, so its been chillin out up there for the past decade and a half? i think that might be the case with a few of my molars, too. they had to extract the two back molars last year because of cavities. any advice?
Oh I totally know what you are talking about. My lateral incisor (tooth one over from the cannine) is like that. I was unlucky enough to get really crappy teeth genes and so I never had an adult tooth to push out the baby tooth. Also, the baby tooth's root resorbed, so it was just hanging by a thread by the time I got it out. My pedodontist knew about the problem from the time I got my first panorex, because it was obvious that there was no adult tooth bud. So I was like 4 or 5 and my parents allready knew to start saving for my implants (ha, the've gone down in cost so much that you don't really need to save like you did :) So yeah, that is totally possible. The most common tooth to be missing congenitally is both lateral incisors, and all the anterior teeth are pretty commonly missing too. I'm getting an implant for my tooth. I've just had a bone graft because I didn't really use my baby tooth and the bone under it resorbed, and after that settles I will get the implant! I reccomend talking to your dentist ASAP, because your bone can resorb and then you will have to go through another surgery and cost before you are able to get implated. Or, you can go with a bridge. There are two types, one is not as invasive, but the traditional bridge makes the two teeth enxt to the missing one have to be cut down dramatically and crowned. I think it actually costs about the same to get a bridge or a implant (simple case, no grafting or anything). Good luck!

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