Sunday, August 28, 2011

Root canal question...?

I saw a dentist last week and I was told I need a root canal on my top left front tooth. I had my front teeth knocked out when I was 16 and I've had an abscess above the top left front tooth ever since! It never caused me any problems, so I didn't think anything of it and never had it looked at. My husband just got dental insurance, so I decided to go in and have it looked at. The dentist said I needed a root canal and that it would have been draining this whole time, but in the 8 YEARS that I've had this, I've never once seen it drain. I think I would have noticed this. It only hurts when it's pushed on and the tooth can be sensitive at times. Also, I'm pregnant, so I would obviously love to avoid having a root canal if at all possible. Besides, I'm a wuss when it comes to pain. ;) What do you think? Help! Thank you.
It could have drained when eating, drinking, sleeping, pretty much whenever and it's possible that you wouldn't notice. It does sound like you need a root canal if there is an abscess. It's not good to be pregnant with an abscess either. Having infection in you is bad for the baby so you really should have it done to get it cleared up.

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