Monday, March 14, 2011


okay, so i'm getting my wisdom teeth out in may...but i got a check up and was told since they have to cut my gum and part of my jaw, my dental insurance won't cover it...but medical insurance should...however, there's this $500 i have to pay first...can i send that $500 bill to my medical insurance to see how much they'll pay first? or is it a deductible?? and what's the difference?
It sounds like a annual deductible and no, you don't send it directly to your insurance. It is paid right to the medical provider. On a $500 deductible you have to pay that much first in the year before the insurance pays for anything (usually excepting maintenance visits). This does not count copays. So, if you go to the doctor and are sick and need a lab or xray done or something like that then you would have already met part or all of your deductible. If you haven't met anything all year towards it then you would pay the $500 in one shot on your wisdom teeth. A lot of people think that just because somethings in your mouth it automatically is covered under dental insurance and this is not correct. Almost always (unless its a simple extraction) wisdom teeth are under your major medical plan because you see a oral surgeon, not a regular dentist. You should call your medical insurance and ask "if anything has been met of your 2008 deductible". If yes, then it will cost less for you to have your teeth done.

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