I need to get my husband dental coverage as soon as possible. We've been meaning to get around to getting him dental insurance but have put it off. He has a horrible, horrible pain and needs a root canal. How likely is it to find insurance that will get coverage the next day or next few days?? Anybody know any dental insurance like this? What is the cost of getting a molar root canal without insurance?
You can try www.dentemax.com The cost is usually between 500-1000.00 for the root canal and then 500.00-1000.00 for the crown he will need after wards...if he has other molars, my advice is to have it pulled. I am not a dentist but I just went through this last week and you can survive without a molar and can't even see that it is gone when you talk. You can always talk about an implant or a bridge later when you do get coverage. Having my molar pulled cost me 150.00. When I checked into private dental coverage, there was a waiting period for root canals and crowns up to 12 months anyway. As for the pain, I chewed on raw garlic and it seemed to help until I could get to the dentist as well as this stuff called "Kanka" that I found at Walgreens. It is usually for canker sores in the mouth but the stuff is incredible at numbing!! Good luck!!
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