Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is everyone more concerned about insurance companies bottom line than my family?

I have received nothing but excuses for why the insurances company dropped my husbands health insurance. Deny my daughters doctor ordered wheelchair updates and physical therapy. The lack of these 2 things have nearly killed her and cost more because the fusion failed causing 2nd surgery. All respondents have been brain washed into believing the insurance companies have these rights and should have these rights. If ins You do realize if you are dropped after you become ill like my husband it will be to late. You are further brain washed to believe I didn't have a job when denied my medication, dental, and all other bills in 2003 even thou I stated between myself and The State of WI I worked we were paying $1300 per mo for my insurance. They just refused to pay. It has been complicated but it is as simple as taking the total cost of health care for 2007 and dividing that amount amoungst all insured evenly. It can be done and it is possible to give people the care they need.
I am not trying to be disrespectful but I couldnt understand or follow your question/comments. I would have liked to been able to assist. Possibly you are typing this when you are feeling very upset. once you more relaxed repost with the type of plan you are on/or were on. meaning, employee health group plan, COBRA plan, Self-purchased;self-pay plan, Medicare, Medicaid etc. there are so many variables and no one can help you if you cant provide more pertinent info. good luck to you I hope it all works out.

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