Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Would an abscessed tooth have sensitivity to hot and cold?

Yesterday after a nap I woke up with this excruciating pain in the second tooth to the right from my top teeth. It is extremely painful and very sensitive to anything touching it. I have read online and it sounds abscessed minus on major point, rather then being sensitive to hot to cold it appears to be relieved by it, especially if submerged in hot or cold liquid. To make it worse, I have no dental insurance, I have no health insurance whatsoever.
i would suggest HIGHLY SUGEST on going to the dentist NOW, sounds infected, go now while the cost is minnimal, before it spreads and you have to see multiple doctors and the cost will surely douple triple, and even quadruple if you need to have major surgey, go to the dentist NIW before the cost goes way up! dude serously no joke if you go now im sure $1000 TOPS! if you wait any longer maybe $2000-$10'000

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