man 37 years old married to woman 37 years old with 2 children 12 years old and 10 years old. he works full time as a mechanic making $40,000 a year and she works part time making $10,000. neither employer offers health insurance. They buy own health insurance that has $500 annual deductible for each person, and that pays a max of $50 for each visit to the doctor for each person 5 times a year and pays 50% of any tests that have to be done like Xrays up to 5 tests a year up to a limit of $500 in tests per person per year....and they pay 70% of any hospitalization or surgery up to a limit of $20,000 per person per year. Dental is a straight 50% of everthing per person per year up to a limit of $1000 per year and vision is a straight 50% of everything up to a limit of $1000 per person per year. The cost is $900 per month for coverage for the entire family. This is a hypothetical coverage, but is this a "good" health insurance coverage and is the cost of this insurance reasonalbe??? Lastly can our society do better this in the USA ????...if not., what is preventing it?
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
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