Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Absessed Tooth- No insurance..Pls help!?

My back molar has been broken for quite some time now and I was supposed to go over a year ago to have it removed.. Well, I never went because I was deathly afraid to go to the dentist. Now, obviously Im paying for it. As of yesterday, The gum surrounding my tooth had a dull pain to it, and I woke up this morning with my throat swollen, my gums are swollen and it hurts like you know what. I cant go to Urgent Care without insurance or they will expect me to pay flat out.. Same with my local Health department, who offers dental services to low income families... However, I just spoke with them and they said I would have to apply for a medical card, which I have tried to do, and I need a paper signed that is next to impossible to get signed. SO basically.. Cant get a medical card right now, cant go to urgent care.. Am I just going to have to go the ER? I know they cant turn me down, and Im not looking for pain medicine, I just want some antibiotics to take the infection away.. My tongue is constantly rubbing on it and Im pretty sure its killing me. :'( It hurts soo bad. I have no problem paying for my prescriptions.. I just need to get one.. Unless there is an OTC product I can buy that is similar to Penicillin or Amoxicillin? Ugh, please help.. I cant miss work to go to the hospital, but Im so desperate.. If I go to the ER, what will they do? Are they going to cut my gum to let it drain? If so, does that hurt really bad? Probably cant hurt much worse than what it does now..
Go to the dentist and get this fixed like you were supposed to in the beginning. Don't burden some physician who really can't help you in the first place. It's not going to get better. I read the question. I guess I don't know what you are expecting anyone to do. No one can fix this except a dentist. You've known for a year or so that you should have gotten this taken care of and now you're starting to face the consequences. Go to and try to get some credit so you can get this taken care of. All the physician is going to say is "here are some pain meds, go to the dentist." It's not going to cost you $700 to have a tooth taken out anyways. Maybe $200.

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