Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Where do I find GREAT health insurance?

COST DOES NOT MATTER. I already pay nearly $700/mo. for my current health insurance. I don't mind paying for great coverage. (I am in Arkansas, and yes, that usually matters.) Here's what I'm looking for: $500 Deductible Coverage ANYWHERE I go, but having a "preferred network" is fine, so long as I still get coverage elsewhere. Rx that is NO MORE than $30 for brand name drugs. Full Dental Coverage Vision - if possible Yearly Out of Pocket - $2500 or less. ALL MAJOR MEDICAL I currently have coverage that FAR exceeds what I've listed above, but it runs out at the end of the year. I am Diabetic (type 1), and use an insulin pump. I've not found anything even close to what I currently have. So, I've set much lower standards, as are laid out above. Where can I find such insurance? Again, cost does NOT matter.
Dear Cyanne, Blue and Blue of Mich. [Plan A or C.] Plan A Has NO deductible it's there 100% coverage Plan C is there 20/80 copay. You are responsible for 20% of the first 5,000.oo No "compant doctors and it's good ANYPLACE on the planet, if you are traveling a lot. Hugs, PennyAnn

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