Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Moms I need advice on Health Insurance for my child! Adivce?

My husband just started a new job yesterday with a new VERY large company. We thought they would have great health insurance because they were a large company. But Boy was I wrong. To cover our family of 3 we have to pay 184 dollars a WEEK. That does not cover dental,Optical,Disablity, Life insurce etc. If we wanted the whole package, We would have to pay 1300 dollars a month. I called the Boss and asked him why so much and he told me because were a group by law we have to take everyone, smokers, people with pre-exsisting conditions, the obese, diabetic etc. I am for everyone having health insurance but because My husband and I are perfectly healthy, we hardly need the doctor yet have to pay the same coverage that the sick pay.. Now I am looking at a Private company. They tell me I have to pass a health screening test, not smoke, drink be over weight etc..And I don't. I am very young and healthy. I do need suggestions on what company's to go for. Any tips would be nice.
Unfortunately, you will likely pay less by going through your husband's employer. Health Insurance is not cheap, and women and children are viewed as expensive in the eyes of an insurance company anyways (healthy or not). I've dealt with insurance companies from both sides, by looking into personally and from the employer's side. Generally the employer gets the better rate, as they are getting the "group discount" price. It does sound like the employer does not contribute much to the health insurance, which is sad. Many employers contribute more, but in this economy, employers may be cutting back their contribution. It is worth looking into getting the insurance yourself, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it costs more than through the employer's plan.

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