Mu husband has a really bad tooth ache due to a rotting tooth. He does not have dental insurance. He will get to the dentist as soon as he can. So please do not tell me to have him go now. Pulling a tooth is very expensive. But for now he needs to ease the pain. I have heard that there are medicines that kill the nerve thus making the pain stop. What are these medications and where can we get them?
I had an abscess tooth one time, didn't know at the time that it was abscess untill I went to the dentist. I had a doctor tell me one time when my youngest son was cutting five teeth at one time to take childern advil ( liquid) kind, dip your finger in it and rub it on the tooth. it made a difference in him day and night. I tried everything with mine and nothing worked untill I tried that. The liquid advil goes right to the pain, so have him try that and let me know if it works for him too. Good luck,
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