I've had a troublesome wisdom tooth for quite some time now. Eventually it broke off and is now decaying. Or should I say, all the way decayed. Gross I know :/ I didn't previously have dental insurance and it cost too much to treat. Now the tooth is pretty much all the way gone but my whole mouth is KILLING me. and it's very sensitive to touch. Also, there's a nasty taste I get in my mouth, and food gets stuck back there all the time. It's so disgusting. I am now 6 weeks pregnant, is there anything I can do?! Or did I wait to long? Are these, in fact, symptoms of an abcessed tooth? If so, what needs to be done since the tooth is already gone?!
Call your dentsit ASAP, first treatment is antibiotics for the infection then the tooth will need to be removed. Only your dentist can assess exactly what needs to be done and when.
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