Monday, August 22, 2011

Dentist tells me I have early stages periodontal disease. Now what?

I'm 22 and I went to the dentist on one of those "introductory" visit offers. It was only 59 dollars for a cleaning, exam and x-ray. The girl cleaning my teeth said I had plaque or tartar or something so large that it was showing up on x-ray. It had been a while since my last cleaning, and I don't floss anymore because it hurts so much, so I could believe that. They tell me they recommend that I get this 670 dollar treatment done over the next four months. With doctor visits that's around 830 dollars. I have no dental insurance. My question is, should I be skeptical of the advice this new dentist is giving me? I don't have a regular dentist and I always just go with whoever has the cheapest prices. I'm thinking maybe they're trying to just hook another customer. They told me I had pockets up to 4 and 5 mm and they don't want to see anything under 3mm. I asked them why my last dentist didn't tell me about this (Same deal. Introductory cleaning, x-ray and exam) and they just said they didn't want to bad-mouth another office, but they probably just weren't as aggressive about it as the new office was. The dentist came in when my surface cleaning was over and said for me to think that over, and just in the meantime brush my gums and use Listerine. What's the deal here? Do I really have anything to worry about? Hell, the girl that cleaned my teeth said 80% of the population had some form of periodontal disease. Dental care is a luxury for me. I would rather eat and have a place to live than have perfect pearly white teeth (which isn't gonna happen anyway). Anybody have any advice for me that won't cost me an arm and a leg?
Brush at least twice a day using Colgate Total as it has been proven to prevent gingivitis. Floss daily and after flossing rinse Listerine, which has also been proven to prevent gingivitis.

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