Monday, August 22, 2011

Which would be least expensive for straightening two front teeth?

A brief background: I graduate college in the spring of 2011 so I have a limited amount of time to save cash to get my two front teeth straightened. These two teeth are so crooked that one covers the other tooth by about 50% and it's pushed outward as well. I avoid smiling but I'm going to need to be able to smile during interviews or I risk giving a wrong impression. As we all know, the first impression can make or break an interview. Once I have a job in my field (Health Information Technology), I'll have good dental insurance, but for now, I'm on my own. I realize that cost can vary dramatically from one area to another but in general, what would be more cost effective - braces of some kind, veneers, dental implants, or something else? I'm in the U.S.
Implants are too costly and extreme for this situation. It would not only require you to remove 2 perfectly healthy teeth, but would take 6 months to complete. Around $2,500 per tooth. Veneers are for simpler cases where the teeth may not be so overlapped. Around $900 per tooth. With the kind of crowding you're describing, I believe the quickest and simplest way to correct your problem would be 2 crowns. I think the average cost is $900-1,200 per crown. This would take 2 weeks to complete. Again, you still need to consult with a dentist to make sure this is the best treatment possible for your situation. E-mail me if you could benefit from a referral in the Salt Lake or San Francisco area. If not, make sure you search for an LVI(Las Vegas Institute) trained dentist in your area to receive the best treatment.

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