My husband has been paying child support for two kids and turned 18 prior to graduating high school. We continued to pay tchild support hrough graduation (Louisiana requirement). My stepkid wanted to attend college away but changed mind and decided to stay w/custodial parent and attend college in hometown. The mom is now upset because the child support was reduced to include only the minor child. She thought my husband would continue to pay child support for the 18 y/o because of the decision to stay home. She is now threatening my husband with taking him back to court to return the support order to the previous amount for the one child. Now, my husband voluntarily doubled his support because of the ex's inability to meet financial obligations; he maintains health, life, & dental insurance for both kids; purchased a car for the 18 y/o and pays auto insurance; buys clothing, pays for cell phone service, etc. He even purchased an expensive laptop, wireless printer for their home, etc. for graduation gift. I could go on but I won't. The ex stated she can't pay rent if my husband doesn't return the child support to the previous amount. The ex works full time as a nurse, my stepchild works and will receive TOPS and a Pell Grant, which is more than enough to cover tuition, books, etc. The ex has another minor child that she is maintaining a home for and that child's father pays no support. According to an attorney Family Court doesn't care about any expenses my husband continues to pay or will pay for the "adult" child b/c 18 is an adult in Louisiana. I'm fed up with this ex because it's always something. Regardless of how much he gives, it's just never enough! We have a child together as well and it seems as though she cares less. I'm about to walk! What Would You Do?
Your husband is concern about the kids not so much his ex. If his ex can't take care of the kids what do you think will happen? He'll have to take them in under your roof and that might cause problems to become worse. As for him paying on the 18 year old. By law in most all states now, if not by all states, as long as the child goes to school up to being 21 years old normally child support continues. Or they pay for the college all four years. Which do you think is cheaper, child support or college? Leaving him because of this is wrong on your part. You knew of his children when you married him or what ever he is to you. There's always problems when there is an ex involved. It comes with the territory. What you need to do is decide if you love him enough to continue to deal with this. And if you want to receive child support too for the next several years or be a family.
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