Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What is the best and cheapest way to close my gap?

Ever since my permanent teeth grew in when I was younger, I have been really self-conscious of my gap..Now that im older I really want to close it, but I don't know what procedure would best fit me- Invisalign? Lumeers? other options that are not terribly expensive? (I dont want to spend over $2000) btw I have Delta dental insurance if it helps.. Thanks?
Depending on the size of your gap, the cheapest and quickest way would be cosmetically bonding resin to both front teeth to close the gap. The negatives to this are that the two front teeth will get larger and if you have a large gap the teeth may look too big. Plus sometimes it is hard to match the shade of your tooth especially if your tooth has multiple shades or has natural opacities or lines in them The most conservative but longest way is to do invisalign or traditional orthodontics. It's conservative because they don't alter your natural teeth. However it can take 1-2 years The most expensive way but quicker than orthodontics would be lumineers or veneers. Typically either 4 or 8 veneers or lumineers would be placed on your front teeth ranging from 700 to 1000 per veneer/lumineer. Lumineers are the most xpensive but are also more conservative (they don't prep your teeth). Lumineers are a brand of veneer that don't require prepping. Some veneers require carving down the tooth. hope all this helps As for your insurance it may cover some or none of the above options....but without insurance... Bonding----roughly $200-400 ortho/invisalign----$1500-4000 lumineers veneers $ 2500-8000 they vary heavily because it depends on where you live...who you go to, materials used and brand used among many other things

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