Sunday, April 3, 2011

How can I... dental...?

Here is the situation. I am a SAHM who has a 100% overbite and have for years and years. I am currently 26 years of age, and while my teeth are in great condition (regarding no cavities, floss and brush daily, no major discoloration, etc) they aren't in the right spot. My upper front teeth completely cover my lower bottom teeth and have, over time, scraped the gum from the front of my bottom teeth. The lower front teeth have dug in behind my upper fronts making both sets thin and easy to break. All others have been ground down due to night grinding. Over all, my jaw is out-of-wack and I am NOT comfortable. I have gone to several dentists in the area and all have said the same thing: I need porcelain veneers for the top and bottom fronts and have everything done correctly so that my jaw rests where it is suppose to. The rest will come in on their own. After a few months, I will be rechecked and any sharp points will be corrected. My problem is the cost. The lowest thus far is $28,000! Needless to say, that is a LOT of money. The other is that I have TMJ - as it is in our family; so I can only go to a specialist who knows how to work with it. That eliminates the majority of Doctors and the teaching schools. The financial aid is equivalent to buying a $28,000 car with interest over 6 years, which isn't feasible. Our dental insurance sucks and won't even make a pennies-worth of a ding. WHAT SUGGESTIONS do you have regarding being able to pay for the treatment? I really need to get this done before more damage occurs. That would only cause me more pain and, in the end, more money, if the damage is even fixable at that time. TMJ can get to the point of becoming a permanent, and often have sever pain, not mentioning the rest of the picture. Legitimate responses please and not some crazy scheme that sends you to websites for your information and do nothing for you.
I have no idea how to pay for my dental work either. Dental insurance never pays for any actual work. All I can think of is to see if there are dental schools in your area that might be cheaper for the work you need. I know some places have free dental clinics but they usually can't do veneers at those. Sorry.

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