Thursday, July 14, 2011

Problems after braces?

I got my braces off about 4 years ago, after having them for 2-3 years. The dentist put permanent retainers on the back of my front teeth. They have not broke at all, but I am getting a gap between my upper left cuspid and my upper left 1st bicuspid. I've noticed that my front teeth are shifting a bit, but not terribly. I have moved far away from where the dentist is located, so I cannot go there anymore to get it fixed. I don't have dental insurance, and I don't want braces again. Is there anything else I can do? I heard Invisalign, but that is so expensive. Are there any other possibilities, or are these my only options?
Invisalign is expensive but if it is a smaller job, they normally adjust the price down for situations like that. I agree with the first response, call your old ortho and see what he thinks and if he can recommend a specifric method to fix this problem.

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