Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's the best Medicare advantage plan when you need good dental benefits or no charge/or copay-I'm disabled?

I am on Social Security (I have parts A and B) plus because I am low income, they give me some help from Medicaid. But I still cannot find a good Medicare advantage insurance plan so I can get my teeth pulled, etc. I am in pain from my teeth, any help given with the above question would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The Medicare Advantage plans are county specific. There are some plans that have dental included or as a option in some counties but they may or may not be available in your area. Any one company could have dental included in one county but not have dental in neighboring counties even if they have a nearly identical plan available. Since you are on Medicaid you should look to see if a "dual eligible" Medicare Advantage plan is available in your county. Dual eligible plans are for people that have both Medicare and Medicaid. Many dual eligible plans have dental included. Visit a local agent that works with all of the major plans in your area to see if any will have dental coverage. Since you are on Medicaid you are not subject to the Medicare "Lock In" period so you can switch plans at any time of the year.

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