Sunday, June 26, 2011

Can taking Anti-Depressant/Anxiety meds affect acceptance into Dental Hygiene Programs?

Ok so this might not be everyone's first eh heh question, haha...and yes i know about all the 'jokes' needing anti-depressant/anxiety meds After starting work in this field...but can taking these affect initial acceptance into a dental hygiene program?? ..all you hygienists who are in school and have went through school already do they check for this? I notice that all hygiene programs have 'proof of good physical and mental health' as being a requirement. What does this mean exactly, how do they prove this? LOL I know this sounds crazy but I am not. Separating from my husband who I thought was my soul-mate. It seems to be leading to divorce. Process is leaving me needing a little 'help', nothing major and hopefully not forever. Paying out of my own pocket so it stays out of the health insurance preexisting scam system. Anyhoo (just a little background)back to the dental do schools screen for that? If it does affect acceptance that seems a little discriminatory! Thanks for your thoughts :):)
They shouldn't affect acceptance at all. To deny acceptance into such programs based on a disability (such as having depression/anxiety and taking the appropriate medications for it) would be a violation of the Americans with disabilities act. Odds are they won't ask about medications at all, and if they ask about disabilities it would only be to provide accommodation for those disabilities.

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