I don't have any kind of insurance. My fiancee has insurance but I can't get on it until we get married in Dec of 08. I need medical, dental, and vision. Could I get all three through bluecross and blueshield? It would be me paying out of my pocket and not through a company. I work as a nanny so I don't have benifits. I went online and they are sending my info. Any info would be a big help.
The BC/BSs are all independent (they are under an organizational umbrella for identity, but unlike when they originated, some are for profit, some are still not-for-profit). Plus all states have all kinds of rules and regs as to what plans have to/can't offer, so without knowing your state, can't say. Typically BC/BS is a solid company. You might want to do a search off a web site that handles multiple policies and see what you can get, like ehealthinsurance.com You might want to consider an HSA as you could set aside money when you're young and healthy for when you're older and may have health issues. You can search above site for HSAs as well. It's actually a good idea if you can get insurance on your own--not at the mercy of your employer and ERISA shield (insurance advantage, not yours) does not apply. Granted you probably will pay more in premiums, but if you're healthy, an HSA could be the best choice for you. You may want to think about the "need" for dental. My brother has dental. I think he gets $2K in benefits a year. They limit who he can see. He's paying a good $4K or so out of pocket this year because of what his dentist, on plan, charges. That's more than $1K per crown. I just got a crown for $500. I don't think he saves a cent. Similar with vision--lots of low cost yet legit exams out there and glasses if you need them. May not be so important as you think. An eye injury should be covered under health--though it pays to ask as they can come up with the most interesting twists in that line of work. Too bad Hollywood writers are not so creative as insurance writers are.
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