Saturday, July 2, 2011

I'm hysterical..someone with dental expertise please help me with a problem/question?

I had a dental implant near my front teeth 2 away from center teeth..the tooth next to the implant had to be pull some time ago... I was just eating and then I noticed my implant was gone so I think I swallowed it, Without this tooth having two missing teeth looks horrible...I am embarrassed to go out. I( am very poor.\ my question is..if I am able to find the tooth, might it be fixable. No post is sticking out of my mouth..a long time ago it fell at as it was considered a failure as it was initially loose in an experimental program that had a higher rate of success at the time..I have had it for 22 years. When it fell out before I did not swallow it and I cannot remember if a post was sticking out of my gums or the tooth but I do know they pounded it back into my bone and it was ok for many years. This is my question if nothing is sticking out of my gums and I can retrieve the tooth. might it still be fixable. if not, can they make another one..what needs to be OK the bone post sticking out of the bone..if that is ok can they make another tooth and post and how much might that cost..I have had bone loss and gum loss and some of the metal showed about the tooth when it was on there..I noticed earlier today that it felt odd like kind of feeling it was more forward in my mouth put thought it must be because I have severe bruxism and lost my mouth guard and can't afford one and I was pushing the implant more forward in my mouth... On top of it, it feels very uncomfortable without it like my lips is being cut and hitting my other tooth because the implant was more forward than the other teeth and held my lip away from the tooth next to it so it hurts to talk and even just sit here quiet. I cannot get it fixed at the cheap college school of dentistry as once for another dental matter, I had a cheap, undependable car and it broke on my way there causing me t be late or miss appointments a few times and the guy banned me for life from going there that is where I initially got the dentist does not do this nor my insurance cover it..a partial was unsuccessful in the past so I have no options but the implant (or pulling all my teeth and getting dentures which I do no want. I do not even know where to go fro help. I do have a small amount of money from when my mom recently died but the bulk went for a serious car accident I was in recently that I only had liability on..please help so much is happening I am flashing suicidal thoughts..I need to know 1. if I find the tooth, is it likely repairable ..that is, if the post is still in my bone 2. how long do I have before the hoe the tooth was in (where the post was heals to get it back in there) 3. if the tooth is lost for good and the post is still in there, how much does it cost to make a new tooth and post about 4. if I have lost gum and bone since it was done will they make me a new tooth if the post is still screwed in my bone thanks
As gross as it sounds, check your stool for your tooth. If you find it, the tooth is re-usable, there is likely to be no effect from your digestive track to the tooth, it should be perfectly fine. Even if the hole heals over, it takes only seconds to open it up again, it won't be a problem at all. The cost depends on the area you live in, for my Zip code it is about $1,500, some of it is covered by insurance, I think about half of it. The post is cheap compared to the tooth. The dentist buys them in standard sizes. It doesn't really matter if you have the post or not. However you need to be concerned that you lost your post and have a hole in the bone, an infection of the bone is nothing to be taken lightly as there is a very small chance it can be lethal if untreated. I suggest you see a dentist right away to get the hole checked, and keep looking for your tooth in your stool.

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