Saturday, July 2, 2011

What prevents people from buying health insurance and then using it the next day to cover an operation?

For example, Enrolling in health insurance or getting a job with benefits, with the raw intentions of using it to get what you need for a lot less cash. ( Ex. operation or dental work or Xray ) Is there a time limit before you can use the insurance? Is there a contract that keeps you locked in for several years? How could someone turn a 30,000 dollar surgery into a hundred bucks per month with no penalties? Ive got into an argument with a friend about this and he says you can buy it and use it the next day ...
insurance companies tend to look for "precondition" as an excuse not to cover you. you can get the work done, or attleast started but you will get that most unfortunate letter in the mail 2-3 months or later down the road saying, "sorry but your claim was refused due to preconditions..." which then makes you responsible for all costs, even what they already covered. if you watch "sicko" by michael moore, you'll see the insurance companies at their best. they often have no grounds for this claim of "precondition" particularly with long time clients of theirs that all of a sudden get diagnosed with a costly sickness. they refuse the claim based on "preconditions" and what do you do? they will draw out the case in court till you die, with their high dollar lawyers, or youll wish you died and have a huge lawyer bill too. insurance companies are in business to make money. they pay alot of money to "claim advisors" who do the dirty work for the company. these people get bonuss' to find grounds to terminate your claim. if they can dig up a genetic tie to your disease and your parents thay can toss your claim out. insurance companies bank on statistics. more people will pay for a policy than the amount of money theyll have to pay out to their clients. obviously bigger claims require a closer look in their eyes

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