So, I have five wisdom teeth. My dentist has been telling me to remove them for two years, but haven't had insurance. When I finally got it this year, I tapped out my dental insurance by having a root canal. Now, I am starting college (away from home) in a few days. I can't go in to get them removed until at least January. My lower back molars are coming through, but my tops are not (my extra wisdom tooth is on the top). My lower jaw hurts a little bit every once in a while. Am I in any kind of trouble waiting until next March (my spring break) to remove my wisdom teeth? My only other option is to miss some school in January because I'd have to come home to get them removed.
Okay, well I am talking from very recent exeperince here! My wisdom teeth have been coming in since I was 16...I'm 21 now! They never fully came in...actually just one starting to pop through a few months ago, but they have been causing me discomfort for years. About once a month for about a week my jaw would hurt, and I would feel pressure most of the time leading to a headache! Ouch! All of my dentists told me that I needed them out, but that I would be worse off in a way because I have a small mouth and they are too close to my sinus cavity, and my bottom nerves! So, I finally went to an oral surgeon last week because one of my bottom wisdom teeth were coming in, and it made my whole mouth was terrible pain! The oral surgeon told me that I had no choice but to get them out. He said that if you leave them in too long they can get infected, and actually cause you to die. Of course, this is very rare..but very least it was in my case. Mine was already infected, and I could feel pain in my ear, and all the way down to my chin. He said that the swelling can block your air way and suffocate you! So, of course I had to deal with insurance next. My husband is military, so mine isn't too bad, but dental is never good. I ended up paying almost 600 dollars..and this was yesterday. I was sooooo nervous before hand. I went in, sat in the the chair, and they literally strapped me down, and put all these weird clamps on me to hook me up to heart was pretty intense They gave me gas to relax me, and gave me the IV which of course hurt a bit, but only lasted a few seconds. They took the gas off of me for a minute until the surgeon came in. Once he came in he added the meds into my IV, popped the gas mask on my face, and the next thing I knew I was in recovery, and walking out to my car with my husband. I was numb and didn't feel too much pain, and the worst part of yesterday was probably the nausea from the medication, but that wasn't too bad either....I thought it would be a lot more painful than it really was so I was calling my parents, and walking myself to the bathroom...I think that's what made me sick! I'm sore today, but nothing outstanding! You can do it! I can already tell that once I heal up I will feel much much better than before! So, it's really your call..if they are hurting you really bad now I would get them out ASAP..if not, I would wait a few months and save up the money you need for your co-pay or whatever, and schedule your appointment. You shouldn't have to take too much time off of school, and if you schedule your appointment towards the end of the week like on a Thursday you will have all weekend to will still be slightly sore, and swollen on Monday but I'm sure you will be fine! Sorry this is so long, but I hope I helped!
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