Friday, August 26, 2011

Braces for upper canine teeth or is there a better option?

I'm looking into what can be done to enhance my smile and am hoping that some of you have some good tips/information for me. I have 2 crooked teeth in my mouth, and they are my top canine teeth. My right upper left canine sits at an angle to where it actually sits behind my bottom teeth when I close my mouth (instead of overlapping them). The one on the right isn't noticeably crooked, but it would be noticeable if I were to get the other straightened (no one wants an asymmetrical smile). I have a lot of room in my mouth for my teeth, and these teeth have plenty of space to sit where they are supposed to; so I wouldn't need to move any other teeth in order to straighten them. Anyway, now that you know my situation, I am wondering a few things: What would be the most inexpensive option for someone like me, and how much can I expect to pay? What is the quickest way I can achieve my goal of a fantastic smile, and how long will take (approximately)? What kind of financing is available for people who do not have dental insurance?
Sounds like braces are your only option based on your description. It can take some time, usually 18-24 months. Financing would be between you and your orthodontist. good luck

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