Friday, August 26, 2011

Periodontal: Where to find best "special scaling" dentist in Alabama for moderate/severe Periodontal disease?

My mom seems to have the periodontal disease and seems to be in the moderate/severe level. She was diagnosed by a dentist and was told that she had to act quickly to keep her teeth. I think this would mean she has about a 4-5mm gap by now. She complains of bad breath, itching, and bleeding during brushing. I have already told her to brush her teeth, floss, rinse with either sterisol, corsodyl, warm salt water, or pure hydrogen peroxide(H2O2), and not eat anything for 1hr after this treatment round. (Please let me know if any of the above steps should be avoided or if there are any other effective home remedies) Also, is an electric toothbrush better at removing plaque than regular brush? I heard the Sonicare Elite is the best line, but I don't know which model. I did some research and decided she needs the "special scaling", or Periodontal Scaling and I want to find her the best dentist around Birmingham, Alabama. I think she'll be willing to drive about 2hr if she can find an excellent dentist. If you know any great dentists by reference or experience, please let me know. Also, we do not have dental insurance and won't be covered by any company for the medical fees, so the price has be to manageable. If possible, please let me know about how much the several visits may cost. If you have any experience or knowledge of this Periodontal disease, please share your experience and any tips. Thank you in advance because I know this is a lot to read! Best answer will receive 10pts.
about it you can get information from here

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